Phousley Family News
Our Latest
- 2008 01 19 We visited family in Provo and went Sledding up Provo Canyon. (I took a lot of Pictures.)
- 2008 01 17 We had our Pinewood Derby.
- 2007 12 31 We finally had enough snow to go sledding at the park near our house. The city is putting in an outdoor amphitheatre which makes a nice sledding hill in the mean time.
- 2007 12 Christmas was kept simple. We worked on Pinewood Derby cars. Had family visit. Had a visit from Santa.
- 2007 12 We visited SLC and stayed the night in a cheap hotel.
- 2007 12 Grant had his School Program
- 2007 11 25 After Church, we played games with the visiting family before they had to leave.
- 2007 11 24 We took visiting family to the Clearfield Aquatics Center and exercised while the kids did their Cardio Kids. Then we went swimming and diving afterwards, finishing with a number of rides down the slide.
- 2007 11 22 We went bowling for Thanksgiving. I forgot my camera but am hoping to get copies of the pictures taken by other family members.
- 2007 11 Kyle & Grant sang with some other children for a stake program.
- 2007 10 The kids went Trick-R-Treating.
- 2007 10 This week we had our Ward Halloween Party. Estimated about 200 people showed up. I think this was more than past years. Few of the adults wore costumes, the ones who did were pretty good. My camera ran the batteries out before I took any pictures.
- 2007 10 Dallin has received his Arrow of Light (the top badge in Cub Scouting) this week. Pictures are Posted here.
- 2007 10 Qwest has dug up our front yard.
It is filled back in now, but it was quite the project. It took over 1/2 of a month to complete and by my count about 4,000 splices before SCI (Contracted for the dig by Qwest) finished. The goal was to fix a splice of 300 pairs of phone lines (going to the houses behind us) and the main line of 900 pairs of phone lines (running across the front of our property.) They did this by digging up the splice, then splicing in an extra length of cable to be able to move the splice up out of the ground and into a bigger box above ground. Pictures